What is The Royal Conservatory Certificate Program?
How is The Royal Conservatory Certificate Program different from other examination systems?
Why a national standard?
How do you maintain a consistent approach to examinations nationwide?
What are the advantages of The Royal Conservatory Certificate Program for students?
How does The Royal Conservatory Certificate Program support my local or state examination program?
Is The Royal Conservatory Certificate Program everywhere?
How do I open an examination centre?
How do I find a teacher?
What is a syllabus?
What are The Certificate Program syllabi?
Where can I learn about updates and changes to The Certificate Program syllabi?
What is a practical examination?
How do I prepare for a practical examination?
What happens in a practical examination?
How do I register for an examination?
Who are the examiners?
How many examiners will there be?
Are parents and teachers allowed to watch the examination?
How are practical examinations marked?
What is a theory examination?
Are theory and practical examinations given at the same time?
Can I take an examination more than once?
What does the examination fee cover?
Is The Certificate Program limited to young students only, or can adults also participate?
Is this program only for students interested in conservatory music studies?
What are the Associate (ARCT) and Licentiate (LRCM) diplomas?
How do I have my students participate in Certificate Program examinations?
How do I know what level is appropriate for my student?
What steps should I take to ensure I select an appropriate level for my student?
Are The Certificate Program levels related to age or school grade?
What if my student’s repertoire level is higher than their technical and musicianship levels?
Do students have to take examinations in order from the beginning?
How can I prepare students for the musicianship portion of the practical examination?
Are there dues for teachers?
Are there volunteer requirements for teachers?
Can teachers register their own students?
Do I have to enter all the students in my studio?
Can teachers use different editions or materials other than those listed in the syllabus?
When do examinations take place?
Do the examinations only take place on weekends?
Where do I go to take my examination?
If I get sick or if there is an emergency that conflicts with my examination, can I take it at a different time?
How do I get my examination results?
How long does it take to receive examination results?
What happens if a student does not pass a level?
What resources does The Certificate Program offer?
Can examinations be exchanged for high school or college credit? What states, provinces, or schools are now offering this?